Sardinade* at Cabara

*Sardinade = Pilchard party
Since the first spot was a little noisy (in Branne), we decided to move 2-3km away, still along the Dordogne river, close to a small village called Cabara. Ellie and I found this new spot during our 7km walk on the first morning in this area. We cheated on the last kilometer since we hitchhiked 😂. We spent some afternoon at my friend's family where children played in the swimming pool and parents were talking with friends...

We were lucky as one evening there was a yearly event in Cabara: "La Sardinade". It's a party where they serve meals with pilchards ("sardine" in French). We have had our dinner already, so when we arrived there and asked for just a few fishes, they offered us to pay 5€ for all (instead of 15 per person and per meal). With that they gave us around 12 fishes, 1.5 bottle of whine, juice for the kids, bread and ice-creams! Children went back to sleep in our bus earlier, while my wife and I stayed a bit longer to help keeping out some stuff at the end.

In the morning, I went back to help them to keep everything from the party. I ended-up coming back with a lot of food and drinks as a thank you. Such a nice party and kind people, thank you Cabara!
That was a very nice first spot! Next one normally is Meilhan, some 150km from here, where my friend Sabrina's living.

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